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12 June, 2012

How to 'Conquer' Your Teenager in Simple, Loving Ways

It was like yesterday, when you hold your tiny baby who was just born an hour before and now you see he or she is suffering from teenage depression. Today, you face that your teenager are against you and prefer not to spend longer time with anymore. You might feel downhearted. But do you remember when you're as old as them, you wanted to spend time with your mates rather than with your parents or family.

Do you wish to get control of your teenager? It is not that complicated. Some simple ways will make them willing to hear your advice or getting close to you whatever their problems are. One of the most effective ways in improving your relationship with your teen is to talk to them like your friends rather than interrogating them. Talking and listening to what he wishes to share. Try to plunge into their interests like the latest trends of entertainment and sports. Or you can just ask how their day after school. It will make them feel like they really can depend on you.

On the other way around, you should also listen to him or her if he or she utters his criticism to you. Expressing their feelings is good. Talk back without getting emotional. Regard them as your friend and respect his opinion whenever you discuss about any objects. This the way you show that you pay attention to them and consider them important. Yet, you should not set them too loose. Your teenagers still do need some control by following the rules. Talk to them in a very gentle way and show them the consequences of some misbehavior.

However, spending time together doing both your and their interests is very much recommended. Swimming, play video games at least once in a week will bond you together. But be sure to let them do his interests and talents as they love to try new activities. Furthermore, this idea is a good way of teaching your teenager about how to be responsible with things he does.

Surely, it won't work instantly. Do this continuously and you will see the best result for avoiding your teenage depression. The way teenagers think is surely differet with how they were during their kids’ time. It is the right time to face the reality that your teenagers are growing and they are facing their difficult time as they also need their parents to understand.

31 May, 2012

When Love and Courage Accomplished 

The most principal of philosophy of the essence of life is love and courage. Accomplishing both components take prolonged and vigorous endeavor. Feeling this love is one thing, acting upon it requires courageousness. In reality, a lack of courage would not only generate this love passive but also incline to destruct it in order to keep off disgrace. Love may be refused in spite of every cause for loving. Consequently, courage is a rich trait of character without which love is unable to flourish, neither as an emotion nor as an action.

17 May, 2012

Anger Management Smart Methods that Save Your Life

Anger Management Smart Methods that Save Your Life

Don't Imitate, Get Your Self Esteem at Its Best

People are continually imitating others. We can imitate their lifestyle, their way of possessing homes and wear the same dress. But real fulfillment won't be achieved since we can't reproduce others' charisma, talent or success. Imitation cannot give people's peace. Be aware of the calmness in your inner core and try to retain your words, thoughts and desires. Self esteem at its best is needed here.

God has given you something genuine and original. Bring out all the strengths and talents that is natural in you. It can happen when you activate yourself. Only inner strength and self-control can last to keep you calm and cheerful by your own existence. For this you have to activate the divine core within, from which flows a perennial stream of peace and tranquillity.

Create your own identity. When you do this other people gravitate towards you. Activation leads to gravitation. Then you don't imitate others. Instead others might want to be like you. We are used to paying more attention to the external world. We try to gain social approval by dressing ourselves in a certain manner.

Unlike external beauty which is temporary, inner beauty is permanent and eternal. This is the beauty we need and this is what we gain when we activate ourselves. This is the beauty God recognizes. When you seek love, you seek inner beauty. Direct your mind to a higher ideal. When you see the divine beauty concealed in your own heart, you also see it in othersDon't look merely at the external form, but also at the divinity within.

Key to High Self Esteem

See How Strong the Strength of Your Mind is

Do what you love, and money will follow. Sounds great isn’t it? It may not be that simple, my heart says. And it is true. Everything takes struggle and being consistent on what we aim to reach is not an easy thing to do. What you need is the strength of your mind and a very high self esteem. Declare your very wish to your subconscious mind which will do anything to reveal them in your life. 

But, beware of indecisiveness. It may seem normal but it is indeed confusing our subconscious mind. Moreover, it will effect feeling of disappointment and distress. Well, everything depends on you though. Many people let others—especially the one they love—make choices for them. Basically, what is good to other people don’t always result in good manner for us. God creates individuals in different characters and ways. So, stay tough and listen to your heart. 

When you stay tough, you should have one strong principle. It doesn’t have to be too exaggerated though. If you still find it hard to find a perfect principle for you, choose the one from the song which always lifts up your spirit—that’s what I always do and it turns out successfully. 

So, here we arrive at the final trip. Live your principle EVERY DAY. Write it down in every place you mostly see. When one week has passed by, you would exclaim ‘Nothing happen!’. Hold on, buddy! It might take a few weeks, but you will assuredly experience the difference in your enthusiasm for life. The most significant factors are the strength of your mind and how persistent you are in facing this. Make sure that you keep your self esteem high.